Five Characters in Search of a Good Night’s Sleep
Five insomniacs try to make it through the night. From dusk to dawn, they struggle with a crisis in their lives which they must resolve by morning. Increasingly conscious of their shortening futures and lengthening pasts, they fill their nights with distracting activities, desperate sleep techniques, evaluations of their lives, delusions, fears, panics and utter foolishness as they prepare to face the day. Five Characters in Search of a Good Night’s Sleep was first performed by ViSiBLE Theatre Ensemble at Southwark Playhouse, London, in 2022, in a production directed by Mike Alfreds. It was devised and written by Mike Alfreds with Sonja Linden and members of the company.
Publish Date & Country
April 27, 2022, UK
Documentation, research and development stage
Project Type
Autobiography; ageing; R&D
Producing Company
Visible Theatre; Southwark Playhouse, London
Photographs © Liam Bessell
Photographs © Liam Bessell